

At the Global Capital European Securitization awards held in London on 27th April, BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions received the Debt Issuer of the Year Award for our first ever securitization operation that was conducted at the end of 2021.

Organised by Global Capital, these awards bring together over 300 market participants. The Awards are a result of a comprehensive process of market research including an online poll and pitches.

By giving us this award, Global Capital recognised the standard of our pitch. They also appreciated the innovative nature of our securitization operation. Indeed, the EUR 500 million transaction was the first ever public securitisation on professional equipment leasing contracts in Europe with a placement of all tranches to investors. The successful completion of this transaction allowed us to extend our service offering to the benefit of our clients, which consists mainly of mid-size companies and SMEs in the real economy. The deal attracted strong demand from investors and was oversubscribed across the capital structure.

The award was received by Isabelle Loc, CEO of BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions on behalf of the company.

SECURITISATION OPERATION – Find out more about our successfully closed securitisation operation.

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